A filthy sexploitation film with an evil dwarf that talks funny and still plays with toys, a drug dealer called Santa that hides drugs in teddy bears, and a mouth-watering hot blonde wearing nothing at all...WOW, this is brilliance! The opening credits with a strange avant-garde score playing while all kinds of toys move across the screen is a wild experience alone! Besides the credits, the story alone is absurd. A married couple rent a room at a house. Little do they know that the landlords (a mother and her dwarf son) have a secret room with kidnapped women held captive and injected with heroin supplied by "Santa Clause". Basically this mother and son team are pimp masters that keep their hoes weak and addicted to drugs, rendering them into hopeless junkies. Anyways, the room these chicks are locked in serves as a whorehouse where people are free to fuck any chick in there when they pay the entrance fee to the dwarf. (there's only one customer in the entire movie though, what a booming business haha). The sadistic mother/son pimp team decide to make one of their new tenants (the super hot blonde wife) "merchandise" for their illegal business. Yep, as you can tell, this is one sleazy fucked-up movie. There's quite a number of lenghty sex scenes, especially with the customer guy and the junkie chicks. Nothing hardcore/pornographic but they're pretty damn funny. This customer guy humps this one girl like mad. I'm not sure if it even counts as rape. The women looked like they didn't want sex but had to comply. Either way, it's so politically incorrect and misogynistic that it becomes as funny as Anal Cunt lyrics. Keep in mind, "Sinful Dwarf" isn't a very gory/violent film. The harshest scene is when one woman gets fucked with a cane by the dwarf, although what goes on is left to the imagination. If you find humor in the outrageous sleaze and mistreatment of women in movies like "Pink Flamingos" and "Bloodsucking Freaks," you NEED this! I kept thinking of those two movies as I watched this thing. Even if you don't like those movies, you might find yourself intrigued by the sinister facial expressions and mean antics of that evil dwarf fucker. I love that guy! What he lacks in height, he makes up for in sleaze and hilarity.
There are rare VHS and Japanese DVD's of this that are pretty damn expensive. But don't worry, Something Weird puts this out on DVD-R, go get it from them!