The only version of the movie that should exist
I avoid paying attention to re-makes. They're dispensible bullshit that nobody remembers a week after it comes out anyways, especially in this short attention span society where trends that were so huge are forgotten as if they never existed in the first place. Why bother bitching about them right? Us true fans will always have the timeless original film and nobody can ever fuck with it cause it's immortalized so just let the trendy mallgawth fags have their bottle that they'll get bored of after puberty (or whenever they stop being stupid). Like all other re-makes, that was my attitude about "Cannibal Holocaust" at first. Later I realized, it's pretty damn insulting that some fuckwad producers think us true horror fans would buy into this shit just cause they exploited the beloved "Cannibal Holocaust" name on it as if it were a brand name for mindless consumption (BLASPHEMY!). Another thing pissing me off is that the money going to this garbage could be invested into a new movie that's socially relevant to today's culture. "Cannibal Holocaust" was a very radical film that became synonymous with the ultra-violent 80's splatter era. It made an actual contribution to horror history, we don't need it to be recycled into something inferior. Sure, you can point out "The Fly", "Thing", "Nosferatu", and "Last House on the Left" were re-makes but those movies did something radical with the original tame movies, a re-make of Cannibal Holocaust would be pointless because the original already is radical to the max, there's nothing more to explore in the concept! So fuck the people saying "you haven't seen it yet, don't judge it". They obviously don't get it and probably only heard of the movie cause a re-make was announced (if you're not bright enough to discover the movie on your own, you're not bright enough to watch it). Also the original movie was very organic by utilizing genuine tribal people and having a micorscopic budget. Nobody can ever re-create the magic of "Cannibal Holocaust" so why not invent something new? There's probably a lot of good horror scripts out in the world that aren't given a chance just cause scumbag market researchers don't see investing in them as a lucrative move. So basically there are two reasons I support the Holocaust of "Cannibal Holocaust" the remake: 1) Out of spite of being insulted by fuckwad producers abusing one of the most notorious and sacred cult movies and 2) To encourage NEW movies that are relevant to today's world and deserve a chapter of its own in horror history. Are MTV-editing and dumb pale CGI ghost kids the best modern horror "filmmakers" can come up with? SIGN THE PETITION AND SPREAD IT EVERYWHERE YOU CAN. A "Black Sunday" re-make was never made because of a petition just like this one so sign it all of you, it really does make a difference!