Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Devil Inside Her (1977)

I knew this movie would rule as soon as I saw the poster. Weird sleazy satanic porn written, directed, and starring Zebedy Colt (the psycho in Sex Wish), that guy is awesome, I consider him a porn legend. He plays an abusive bible-thumping asshole that forbids his daughters from anything sexual. Somehow one of his daughers awakens the Devil out of jealousy of her sister's lover and evil shit ensues. The devil is such a sick bastard that he'll transform into a family member before raping someone, I guess that counts as incest, eww. The sex scenes have an unholy soundtrack giving the film even more of a sinister feel. Things get over-the-top in the orgy scene that involved rough gangbangs, a golden shower, and everything having a red tint. I should mention that the devil looks like a KISS reject wtih balls made of rubber. For some reason, the devil has a stretchy scrotum. It made me cringe when he kept pulling on his balls as he was jerking off. I thought the guy's skin was going to rip.

Anyways, there's a lot more weridness and sleaze in this movie, plus the story and characters are pretty solid, see it for yourself and go get a copy from cduniverse since buying straight from Alpha Blue Archives is ridiculous.

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