A black exorcist with 70’s sleaze and sex. Some funny looking demon possesses some woman and later makes her become an evil whore that wants to get fucked and treats her friends and family like shit, which is the opposite of who she is. Best scene is a mighty hard kick right square on her poor husband’s balls. You can feel the guy’s pain as the foot and testicles make contact. And the voice is fucking insane on the possessed chick. Actually a lot of this movie is insane. Love the goofy special effects and the way Abby goes from innocent to fucked-up is priceless. This is like my favorite blaxploitation film, they even got Blacula to be the Exorcist. It’s a damn shame the stupid corporate suits at Warner Brothers sabotaged the distribution and release of this movie cause they wanted to monopolize the “exorcism” genre and crushed all other movies about possession. Now I have to settle for a cheap bad quality DVD release while stupid shit like Darkness Falls gets better treatment. Poor Abby.

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