Alien Factor has this amazing story about aliens crashing on earth, terrorizing people, getting people to act stupid about handling the problem, and the ending is a huge unexpected twist that got me giggling for days. There were awesome primitive lazer beam effects and a silly yet amusing explanation for many of the bizarre happenings. The best part about the movie was this freakishly tall alien walking on carpet covered stilts. It looked like he was going to tip over any second too. He also had this weird thing with swinging his right hand in a rhythm. Watch as people run in fear from this thing they probably had to help up from falling after filming the scene. And if you like claymation, there's one alien you'll be delighted to see in action. There's an epic battle between an unconvincing claymation alien creature that's so awesome for being so lame with the early camera tricks. The Alien Factor DVD doubles with another Don Dohler movie titled "Fiend", which I guess I could spare a few words about. Not as good as Alien Feactor but was pretty cool too, simple story about this neighborhood jerk that chokes people to death in order to gain energy to live longer. Nobody suspects him though (even if his murders are done in broad daylight). The one man to stop him is his next door neighbor that hates his loud music. Plenty of trademark Don Dohler cheesy lazer/light effects. Don Dohler is a genius filmmaker, Nightbeast is still my favorite of his cause of the all out video game lazers that "decimate" people and also cause of the gore. Anyways, get familiar with Dohler's work, he has his own style (which I can't say about all the replaceable hacks these days) and most of his movies have the same lovable dork actors that use the same names from their previous movies even! Alien Factor is mucho CHEEZE SUPREME!
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