AXE has that trademark 70's exploitation look and feel. Like I Spit on Your Grave, Fight For Your Life, and Last House on the Left, it involves someone that seems so harmless slowly exposing their darker side when confronted by evil. It all starts out when three criminals that are involved in a murder and did inhuman things to a poor grocery store woman worker hideout at a farmhouse where a girl and her paralyzed grandfather live. The two seem so weak and easy to abuse which is why the criminals plan to crash at their house and abuse their meekness. Two of the criminals even tried to rape the chick (the third criminal didn't want any part of this abuse though, he was a sensitive pussy type with a fro like that famous painter guy). Eventually the girl has to take out her revenege using sharp objects that lead to some bloodshed (the blood looking like primitive HG Lewis film blood). This movie actually reminds me of Roman Polanski's Repulsion because the girl seems to be a silent ticking-time bomb of craziness as well. Both the girls in Repulsion and Axe would hardly talk and had that cold yet innocent look in their face too. The killing of a rapist was even done in a similiar fashion with the same weapon. So in a way, you could say this is the even more minimalistic and cheaper, 70's sleaze/revenge exploitation version of Repulsion. Not a gorefest or anything, just a good simple tale of abuse and revenge.

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