HAHAHAHAH!!! Oh my GOD! If you want CHEEZE, you got it! This is the ultimate cheeze movie for me. There really isn't much to the story. In the 1920's, some people get stranded on an island and want to escape because it's inhabited by a shitload of mysterious creatures that are really customized demonic barbie dolls from the looks of it. These creatures ask no questions and go straight to attacking, it's never explained why they're so pissed off and bloodthristy. Acid water puddles are another danger that lurks around the island too (one guy melts until he's a skeleton!). Between monster attacks, there are scenes where the characters get to know each other and one old man is a cranky asshole that pisses people off. The great thing is that the actors are genuinley trying to put on a performance of a lifetime with what little there is to work with. We see people screaming in utter agony at the top of their lungs as they have fake blood splattered on them and have to rub these demonic doll things up against their bodies to make the lifeless figures look alive and kicking. One woman getting attacked looked like she was crying while breast feeding the little fella! Seeing those "beast creatures" run and swing their arms is too much damn greatness in a movie alone. I don't know how these actors managed to not burst into laughter as they had to act attacked. I'm glad they remained professional instead of trying to act so conscious of how silly everything is. An ambitious 80's b-movies with no shame of how low the budget is.

Thanks to yours truly, you can witness ATTACKS of the BEAST CREATURES over here!
1 comment:
Haha, I'll have to get a a copy of this, it looks awesome!
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