Now this movie rules! Lots of the splashing red stuff as swords impale, hack, decapitate, and even slice people in half. There's a scene where the Blind Warrior shoots a fireball and blows up one guy's head, simply amazing. I bought a bootleg off some site that doesn't exist anymore for some reason, the pic you see is a scan I did from the bootleg DVD case. (EDIT: Site I bought it from is back online here, check with them for a copy) Hard to find movie with pretty much no info on the internet but try to track it down if you like gory kung fu and really violent martial arts flicks with weird cheezy effects. This is like an Indonesian Shogun Assassin with elements of freaky mysticism and fantasy/adventure. Story involves some village with the help of the badass Blind Warrior (who has a monkey companion sometimes!) fighting a corrupt evil sleazoid ruler that abuses power and has sex with chicks in a pool of pink pellets that look like Strawberry flavored Dippin Dots (I know...what the fuck?!). There's also some gigantic Demon statue with light up eyes that eveyrone worships. Sad that there's no real DVD while stupid shit like Surf Ninjas does. Barry Prima's Warrior needs a DVD too!
Cool video clip from youtube over here
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