If you're looking for non-stop cannibalism gore munching, I don't think this will satisfy your appetite. There were only a few actual eating human parts and as for gore in general, it's pretty gory, the two stand outs were a ridiculously huge shotgun blast right through a guy (yep, you see a bloody hole in him in all its gory detail) and the other being a limb of a guy at a gas station getting sawed up into lots of meaty red pieces. Besides violence, there is some sex for you tit fans. This one next door neighbor chick gets down right slutty. Overall, the fantastic story about a disease from Vietnam compelling people to bite others, which infects others and results in an epidemic in the city, is cheese galore for guys that know how to appreciate b-movie madness. It has the mechanics of a zombie invasion movie so should appeal to zombie fans. The acting is good too (John Saxon and the guy who's head gets drilled in Gates of Hell are here..that guy also got his weiner chopped off in Cannibal Ferox). Anyways, I’ve seen so many people trash Cannibal Apocalypse, don't let all the negative reviews get to you if you're a b-movie fan and haven’t seen this yet. The bitching is usually by someone expecting every movie to be as gory as Dead Alive or as realistic in gore as a surgery on the Learning Channel. Those idiots don’t have the patience and attention span to sit down and watch a zany movie idea from start to finish, no wonder all these worthless pseudo-snuff movies like August Underground are being made, those just appeal to some br00tal imbecile too stupid to follow an actual crazy storyline that has creativity. A cheeze, gore, and sleaze essential!
Awesome review, just watched this for the first time a couple weeks ago and I loved it. I had heard a bunch of negative reviews of this one too but I bought it anyway because it still looked too damn cool to me, and I'm glad I did. JOHN SAXON IS MY HERO!
yeah I used to hear constant bashing of this movie, decided to check it out myself one day a long time ago when it was only $6, turns out the movie was awesome! Always gotta be careful with who's reviews you read, turns out everyone that said it sucked on imdb and amazon were lamewads into nu-horror.
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